Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Today I woke up around 7:30 a.m and it felt great. Rafael started waking up a little later than usual and I thank him for that. He would wake me up in between 5-6 a.m and I hated it because I love to sleep. The time came to have the kids brush their teeth, change a diaper, wash them, change them, brush hair and feed them breakfast. At the point of feeding them it was already 8 a.m and we needed to head out by 8:30 because Jules starts school at 9:40 a.m. Mind you we walk it to school because its a form of exercise for both me and the kids and it's a good 40 min. walk. I do take my stroller so mainly it's Julian and I doing the walking. I hate being in a rush and I had a big feeling that was gonna happen. So I started getting annoyed and my dreadful headache decided to sneak in. We were out at 8:40 and was 10 min. behind schedule. On our way i have Zoey trying to get out of stroller Julian asking for water every 5min. and Rafael taking of shoes and maneging to loose a shoe (mind you this is the 4th time he does this ). We get to school just in time pheeeww.  Came back home  Zoey and Rafael refused to nap. Holding on to dear life to my sanity was a challenge.  A couple of deep breaths later I regained life. Around 2:19 I decided to take kids outside. The kids played laughed and had a great time. I admired the gorgeous day waiting for my other half to arrive. Now it's 7:43 p.m kids are in the shower Mike is getting dinner ready. Can't wait for our dinner and a movie time. Above all that went down in this day i always have to remember to breath and stay possitive. It's not always fun but keeping positive and making it fun is what keeps us sane. Love you my kiddos. Have a wonderful evening world.


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